When you have to sell property fast you should start with analyzing the property so as to form a proper marketing strategy. When you survey the property you need to make sure how it looks and feels. If it looks shabby and paint has also come out then you will have to spend some bucks to give it a new, fresh and pleasing ambience. Huge expenses are not required just do your minimum to make sure at least it looks neat.
The quick and easy way to sell house fast is to list it on the market. Use different sources to let people know your property is on sale. You can prepare a good catchy advertisement and publish it on the internet, news paper or magazines. When you list the property make sure you do not disclose the price.

If you do not list the price then all types of buyers will approach you and you will have a greater chance to convert even the low budget buyer to switch to a higher budget if they like the property. But if the property is listed with the price then there are chances that looking at the price itself buyers would not prefer to even visit the house.
If you have done these two things correctly then there are all positive chances that you will sell house fast.